17. January 2025

USKA – The Experimental Wireless Technology Society of Switzerland


Nächste Termine

USKA news and topicalities on amateur radio

Activities: ARDF | Contest | Diplom | DX | FreeDV  | HFSOTAUHF/VHFCommonEvents | Media | Services | Departement: Training/ Promotion of young talent (Maker) | antenna committee | Frequency Monitoring | EMC | Frequency and band plan | Youth | Political Lobbing | Bureau (HBradio | Emergency Radio | Board of directors) | Liaison with the authorities | Liaison with the IARUOrganisation: International | National | USKA | Community News: Collektive-Members | Sections | UHF Group | Order news mail:

12. January 2025AllgemeinImmerse yourself in the world of cryptography: Enigma Day takes you on a journey through the fascinating history of cipher machines! On Enigma Day, visitors can discover the legendary Enigma machine and learn how encryption technologies have influenced history. The event offers exciting lectures, interactive workshops and the opportunity to try out encryption techniques for yourself. Highlights include presentations by international experts such as Paul Reuvers, Erich Blösch and Dominik Landwehr, who will talk about historical and modern encryption techniques. There will also be demonstrations of original Enigma machines and insights into their restoration and exhibition. An experience for those interested in technology and history that brings the world of secret communication to life. Date: Time: Space: Sa. 22 February 10.30 – 17.00 Uhr ganze Enter Technikwelt More info: https://enter.ch/de/events/enigma-day/ [...]
12. January 2025AllgemeinA brief comment about last 3 Years: We are in the fifth year of SwAC and although we have few participants, we continue to have fun on 6 meters, 2 meters, 70 centimeters and 23 centimeters. I want to congratulate all the participants, but especially HB9AA for winning in 2022 on all available bands. In 2023 it was HB9SJV’s turn to win the 6 meters and 23 centimeters bands, while HB9GZS won the 2 meters and 70 centimeters bands. In 2024 the results of HB9SJV were even more impressive with excellent scores on all four bands. Well done guys! In the coming weeks the Diplomas in PDF format for the last 3 years will follow, by email. However, I would like to invite radio amateurs from all over Switzerland to take more advantage of these events to make some QSOs on the VHF, UHF and SHF bands, and to forward the log, even if there are only a few QSOs. In fact, every month I see that there are 15 to 20 Swiss radio amateurs who participate in the SwAC, but do not send the Log. Good continuation and see you soon on the air! Vy 73 Marco HB9OCR SwAC Manager Website: https://uska.ch/swac/ [...]
8. January 2025Allgemein / ContestThe USKA KW and VHF contest champions for 2024 are: KW-SOP: Andy Thiemann HB9JOE KW-MOP: Radioclub Sursee HB9AW VHF/UHF-SOP (50-432 MHz): Eric Margot HB9IAB VHF/UHF-MOP (50-432 MHz): Hobbyfunker Innerschweiz HB9GF SHF-SOP (≥1,3 GHz): Emil Zellweger HB9BAT SHF-MOP (≥1,3 GHz): Aktivitätsgruppe Schwarzbubenland HB9LB Unfortunately, there were no participants in the 5th category, beginner licences HB3. This prize could therefore unfortunately not be awarded in 2024 either. Links to the HF Contest Champions 2024: https://uska.ch/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/11-KW_Contest_Champion_SO_2024_20250103czf.pdf https://uska.ch/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/12-KW_Contest_Champion_MO_2024_20250103czf.pdf Links to the VHF Contest Champions 2024: https://uska.ch/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-01-Contest-Champion_Artikel_lang.pdf [...]
6. January 2025AllgemeinMesstechnik und Vermessen rund um den Amateurfunk in Theorie und Praxis Datum: Samstag 25.1.2025, 09:00 bis ca. 15:00 Uhr Ort: Schiesssportanlage Sichtern, Sichternstrasse 90, 4410 Liestal ( «FACB» in Google Maps ) Kosten: Die Teilnahme ist gratis. Spenden für die Clubkasse sind willkommen. Der Workshop ist auf eine maximale Anzahl von 17 Teilnehmern begrenzt. Es gilt die Reihenfolge nach Eingang der Anmeldung. Info/Anmeldung hier: https://facb.ch/images/stories/Matthias/Workshop_Messtechnik/Einladung_MessWS.pdf [...]
27. December 2024Allgemein / CW / MorsenThe ‘MARCONI CLUB QSO PARTY DAY 2025’, a CW contest, will take place on Saturday, 04 January 2025 from 07:00 UTC to 21:00 UTC. The rules can be found here: https://www.marconiclub.it/contest1/qso-party-day/rules-qso-party-day [...]
24. December 2024AllgemeinChristmas and New Year greetings from the USKA board & web team Dear members, On behalf of the entire USKA board and web team, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May the festive season bring you peace, joy and precious moments with your loved ones. For the coming year, we wish you good luck, health and success – both in your professional and private lives and, of course, much joy in your shared hobby with many interesting connections all over the world. Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Yours USKA Board & Webteam Translated with DeepL.com (free version) [...]
21. December 2024Allgemein / History / InternationalThe Grimeton long-wave transmitter is a historically important radio transmitter in Sweden, located near Varberg on the west coast. It was put into operation in 1924 and originally served as part of the international radio network for commercial telecommunications, especially for transatlantic radio traffic. In its day, the transmitter was one of the most modern and powerful transmitters in the world and played a crucial role in communications between Europe and North America. Grimeton was equipped with a long-wave transmitter, which had a particularly low frequency and thus enabled a long range. The transmitter was capable of transmitting signals over thousands of kilometres, contributing to international communications before modern satellite and internet communications became widespread. The Grimeton transmitter was decommissioned in 1995 as radio communication technology evolved and the need for such long-wave transmitters declined. Nevertheless, the transmitter was recognised as a technical heritage site and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004, as it is an outstanding example of early radio communication technology. Today, Grimeton is operated as a museum and technical monument. Visitors can tour the site, learn about the history of the transmitter and see the impressive transmitter building and gigantic antenna systems. The transmitter is also occasionally put back into operation for special events and demonstrations to show how the old technology works. On Tuesday morning, 24 December 2024, SAQ Grimeton will go on air on 17.2 kHz CW with the 200 kW Alexanderson generator from 1924 to broadcast the traditional Christmas message to the whole world. Live Youtube video on 24.12.2024 from 08:20: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-83S-l9JKD1iuhsXx3XQ3g?sub_confirmation=1 Further information: https://alexander.n.se/en/saq-to-air-on-christmas-eve-morning-dec-24th-2024/ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A4ngstwellensender_Grimeton Translated with DeepL.com (free version) [...]
21. December 2024Vertificates / AllgemeinThe Royal Danish Postal Service was founded on Christmas Eve 1624 under King Christian IV and was an important part of Danish infrastructure and history. For many years, it functioned as the country’s official postal service and evolved over the centuries to handle both domestic and international mail. Today, the historic postal service is replaced by PostNord, a merger of the Danish and Swedish postal services. The Royal Postal Service played a crucial role in communication in the Danish kingdom, from letters to parcels, at a time before modern technology took over postal traffic. To celebrate the anniversary of the Royal Postal Service, experimental Danish radio amateurs are activating this special event station. Info link: OZ400POST Translated with DeepL.com (free version) [...]
Community News
30. October 2024Community / Sektionenam Samstag, 23. November ab 14:00 Es ist wieder Herbst geworden. Dieses Jahr veranstalten wir… [...]
28. July 2024_Newsmail / DX / DXCC / Dxpeditionen / SektionenDeutsche Version: HB9AG: Vortrag VHF-DX mit Meteorscatter (MS) 9. August 2024 Version française: HB9AG :… [...]
16. June 2024_Newsmail / Community / SektionenDeutsche Version: 32. Flohmarktstamm der USKA-Sektion Thun HB9T Version française: 32ème stamm du marché aux… [...]
6. May 2024Community / SektionenDeutsche Version: Birchfest mit Flohmarkt Version française: Fête du Birch avec marché aux puces Versione… [...]
16. April 2024Community / Gerätetechnik / Sektionen / TechnikDeutsche Version: HB9AG Vortrag: trx-control – die Shack-Automatisierung Version française: HB9AG Conférence : trx-control –… [...]
22. February 2024Community / Sektionen / SOTADeutsche Version: HB9AG: Vortrag: “Ab in die Berge: Das SOTA-Program” Version française: HB9AG : Conférence… [...]
20. December 2023Ausbildungsangebote / CommunityDeutsche Version: HB9GR bietet neu Ausbildungskurse an Version française: HB9GR propose désormais des cours de… [...]
9. November 2023Ausbildungsangebote / Community / Gerätetechnik / Grundlagen / SektionenDeutsche Version: FACB: Wir bauen einen QDX – 5 Band Digital Transceiver Version française: FACB… [...]
29. October 2023Community / Repeater / SektionenDeutsche Version: Aktivitäten der Relaisgemeinschaft Bern HB9F Version française: Activités de la communauté de relais… [...]
29. September 2023Eventi / Community / SektionenDeutsche Version: HB9FS: Birch-Fest mit Bunkeröffnung Version française: HB9FS : Fête du Birch avec ouverture… [...]
28. September 2023Community / Kollektiv-Mitglieder / Satelliten / VHF / UHF / SHFDeutsche Version: HB9AG: Vortrag “Bau einer einfachen Bodenstation für QO-100” Version française: HB9AG : Exposé “Construction… [...]
28. August 2023Community / NMDDeutsche Version: HB9AG Vortrag 1.9.2023: Ein NMD-TRX mit 1 kW Output von Göpf Irminger, HB9TI… [...]
25. August 2023Eventi / Community / Kollektiv-MitgliederDeutsche Version: HB75ZRH – 75 Jahre Flughafen Zürich Version française: HB75ZRH – 75 ans de… [...]
15. August 2023Community / History / Kollektiv-MitgliederDeutsche Version: ICT-Fähigkeiten der Schweizer Armee – CONNECTED-Sonderschau vom 18. bis 20. August in Kloten ZH… [...]
21. July 2023Ausbildungsangebote / Community / SektionenDeutsche Version: HB9AG Vortrag am 4.8.2023: “Bestimmung der Kabellängen beim Zusammenschalten von Cavity-Filtern” Version française:… [...]
2. July 2023Ausbildungsangebote / Community / SektionenDeutsche Version: HB9AG: Vortrag “HF-Messungen an der Funkstation mit einfachen Hilfsmitteln” Version française: HB9AG :… [...]
24. April 2023Eventi / Kollektiv-MitgliederDeutsche Version: Funkverein Iddaburg – Tag der offenen Türe Version française: Funkverein Iddaburg – Journée portes… [...]
20. April 2023CommunityDeutsche Version: Mittelland-Runde Sonntag 20.00 Uhr 144.315 SSB Version française: Ronde du Mittelland dimanche 20.00… [...]
18. April 2023Eventi / Community / Neue Technologien / SektionenDeutsche Version: Kurzvortrag: Einführung in die NPR-Technik und Lägern Testbetrieb-Anwendungen Version française: Brève présentation : Introduction… [...]
20. February 2023Antennen / Community / Political Lobbying / SektionenDeutsche Version: Sektion Zug beantragt Verordnungs-Text Version française: La section de Zoug propose un texte… [...]
24. December 2022Eventi / Kollektiv-Mitglieder / NotfunkSchweiz Aktuell berichtet über Notfunk-Aktivitäten von Roman Füchslin HB9FRR aus der Sektion Uri Schwyz und… [...]
2. December 2022Contest / Kollektiv-MitgliederDer Funk- und Technikverein HB9FTS veranstaltet vom 1.-24.Dezember 2022 eine QSO Party mit Gewinnen am… [...]
20. November 2022Eventi / Kollektiv-Mitglieder / NotfunkAm 3.Dezember veranstaltet HB9FTS die erste AREDN-Convention. Link zur Veranstaltung: https://uska.ch/events/aredn-convention-ch-2022/ Titel der Veranstaltung/Kurs: Zusammenkunft von… [...]
18. November 2022UHF-GruppeÜblicherweise gibt die UHF-Gruppe der USKA an ihrer Generalversammlung jeweils bereits das Datum der nächsten… [...]
12. October 2022Eventi / Kollektiv-MitgliederDeutsche Version: Surplus Party 2022 am 29.10. mit der USKA Version française: Surplus Party 2022… [...]
31. August 2022Notfunk / SEC / UHF-GruppeDas FM/C4FM-Relais Uto der USKA-Sektion «UHF-Gruppe der USKA» thront über der grössten Stadt der Schweiz… [...]
2. May 2022Contest / Kollektiv-Mitgliederv2 Am Helvetia-Contest 2022 war das Oltner Tagblatt beim Funk-Club Hauenstein HB9BC zu Gast. Entstanden ist… [...]
28. March 2022HamWebinar / Kollektiv-MitgliederDeutsche Version: HamWebinar IG Uem (30. März) Version française: HamWebinar IG Uem (30 mars) Versione… [...]
30. January 2022CommunityGesundheit ist unser aller höchstes Gut. Diese neue HamGroup soll eine Art «Gesundheits-Beratung», oder «Gesundheits-Sprechstunde»… [...]
9. January 2022Amateurfunkpraxis / Activity / SektionenWir freuen uns, dieses Jahr das 50-Jahre-Jubliäum unserer Sektion zu begehen! Aus diesem Anlass werden… [...]