SwAC December 2024 Results + Final

A brief comment about last 3 Years:
We are in the fifth year of SwAC and although we have few participants, we continue to have fun on 6 meters, 2 meters, 70 centimeters and 23 centimeters. I want to congratulate all the participants, but especially HB9AA for winning in 2022 on all available bands. In 2023 it was HB9SJV’s turn to win the 6 meters and 23 centimeters bands, while HB9GZS won the 2 meters and 70 centimeters bands. In 2024 the results of HB9SJV were even more impressive with excellent scores on all four bands. Well done guys! In the coming weeks the Diplomas in PDF format for the last 3 years will follow, by email.
However, I would like to invite radio amateurs from all over Switzerland to take more advantage of these events to make some QSOs on the VHF, UHF and SHF bands, and to forward the log, even if there are only a few QSOs. In fact, every month I see that there are 15 to 20 Swiss radio amateurs who participate in the SwAC, but do not send the Log. Good continuation and see you soon on the air!
Vy 73
Marco HB9OCR
SwAC Manager
Website: https://uska.ch/swac/