14. February 2025

Mission Statement, Strategy and Statutes of the USKA

Under the name “Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure” (hereinafter referred to as USKA), (Union des Amateurs Suisses d’ondes courtes; Unione radioamatori di onde corte svizzeri; Union of Swiss Short Wave Amateurs) an association in the sense of Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) was founded on August 4, 1929.

The USKA is politically and denominationally neutral. As far as the statutes do not contain any provisions, the provisions of the ZGB apply.

The USKA has its registered office in Cham ZG (entry in the Commercial Register).

The 2024 Delegates’ Meeting approved the latest amendments to the Articles of Association. This decision was confirmed by the ballot vote in April 2024.

Statutes of the USKA

USKA Statutes
USKA Statuten Stand 29.5.2024
USKA Statuto Versione 29.5.2024
USKA Statuts Version 29.5.2024