Software Defined Radio Academy 2024

Deutsche Version: Software Defined Radio Academy 2024
English version: Software Defined Radio Academy 2024
Software Defined Radio Academy 2024
The SDRA will be held as an online event and as a sub-conference of HAM RADIO 2024 on Saturday, June 29, 2024.
The conference will be held in English.
10th Software Defined Radio Academy: Program is ready!
The program for the 10th Software Defined Radio Academy on June 29 in Friedrichshafen is ready. For last-minute changes and details, please visit the website:
10:00 Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje, DK5HH and Markus Heller, M.A., DL8RDS: Welcome and introduction
10:30 Erwin Serlé PE3ES / F4VTQ: Fobos SDR from RigExpert. From low bandwidth SDR solutions with integrated data processing to very high bandwidth and processing on connected general purpose hardware
11:00 Ekki Plicht DF4OR: SDR – an easy to understand introduction (German)
12:00 Prof. Dr. Christoph van Wüllen DL1YCF (and Laurence Barker G8NJJ): CW bandwidth optimization
12:30 Prof. Dr. Matthias Jung DL9MJ: SDR lessons for amateur radio license exams
13:00 Adrian Musceac YO8RZZ: DMR Tier III Base Station – Transceiver in Software Defined Radio
13:30 Laurence Barker G8NJJ (and Prof. Dr. Christoph van Wüllen DL1YCF): SATURN TX Composite Noise Improvement
14:00 Coffee break
14:10 Rob Robinett AI6VN (and Paul Elliot WB6CXC): High resolution propagation measurements with a WSPRSONDE-8 beacon and an RX888 SDR
14:50 Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rohde N1UL and others: 10 years Software Defined Radio Academy
15:20 Thomas Boegl DL9MDB and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rohde N1UL: Problems and solutions in HF / UHF systems
15:50 Coffee break
16:00 Phil Karn KA9Q: Welcome speech
16:30 Josh Morman: GNU Radio Project Update
17:00 Prof. Dr. Marc Lichtman: PySDR
17:30 Markus Heller, M.A. DL8RDS: Summary
Admission is free for HAMRADIO visitors, and you can also listen to individual presentations. The live stream is available at: