7. February 2025

Erstellt am: 20. February 2023

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 15. October 2024

Zug Section proposes text of ordinance

Deutsche Version: Sektion Zug beantragt Verordnungs-Text
Version française: La section de Zoug propose un texte de l’ordonnance
Versione italiana: La sezione di Zugo richiede l’adattamento del testo dell’ordinanza
English version: Zug Section proposes text of ordinance

Zug Section proposes text of ordinance

as is well known, the USKA Zug Section submitted a postulate for the implementation of TCA 37a into cantonal law in autumn 2022 via five Zug cantonal representatives. (https://uska.ch/en/sektion-zug-reicht-fmg-37a-postulat-ein/)

Together with other pending ordinance revision requests, the Zug cantonal government has dealt very swiftly with the concerns of us radio amateurs and published a draft ordinance. However, the text chosen by the construction department is not suitable. Within the framework of the consultation procedure, the Zug HB9ZG section has therefore submitted a statement and proposed a concrete text:

§44 letter j new)
Subject to federal law and other necessary authorisations, in addition to the above-mentioned buildings and installations within the building zones, the following buildings and installations do not require a building permit, but a building notification:
j) simple wire and rod antennas serving the amateur radio service as well as antennas on light masts with an appearance similar to flagpoles, including the maintenance or replacement of an antenna by an antenna of similar size.

In principle, the competence to issue ordinances lies with the government council (executive). In Switzerland, it is customary for the executive to carry out a consultation procedure for non-trivial changes to the law so that those affected can express their opinion.
However, our opinion is not binding on the government council. However, since it is supported by the five postulants and their parliamentary groups, we expect a high probability of success. The deadline for submissions expired on 15 February. The submissions will now be reviewed by the Construction Directorate in order to submit an amended draft ordinance to the Government Council for consultation and decision.

Every explicit reference to our amateur radio service in federal, cantonal or municipal laws, ordinances and regulations improves the legal security to which we are entitled. Not to be underestimated is the long-term publicity effect, which can only be useful to us on our way to becoming “relevant” again!

In other cantons, applications from USKA sections have unfortunately been largely rejected. This comes at no surprise at all, as this is quite common behaviour of public administrations. We will definitely achieve our goals only by forming an alliance of parliamentarians from several relevant parties. And there, too, it is important to remain persistent and not to give up under any circumstances!

The sections interested in the implementation of FMG37a continue to meet regularly in the corresponding HamGroup “Political Lobbying” to exchange experiences.

The Zug radio amateurs are eager to see what happens next and what the Zug cantonal government will decide.

Peter Sidler HB9PJT, President Zug Section HB9ZG
Willi Vollenweider HB9AMC, Political Lobbying of the USKA
(trad DeepL.com)

Link: Vernehmlassungsantwort USKA Rev V PBG 2023