The world championship of radio amateurs is approaching

Deutsche Version: Operateure für den HQ Contest 2024 gesucht
Version française: Le championnat du monde des radioamateurs approche
Versione italiana: Si avvicina il campionato mondiale dei radioamatori
English version: The world championship of radio amateurs is approaching
The world championship of radio amateurs is approaching
The annual world championship of radio amateurs will take place again on July 13/14, 2024. It is called the “IARU HF World Championship”, lasts 24 hours and begins on Saturday, July 13, 2024, at 2 p.m. Swiss summer time. The USKA will be taking part as the national association for Switzerland with station HB9HQ.
In addition to Rapport 59(9), the other 160-plus national associations of the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) will also send an acronym of the society such as “DARC”, “ARRL”, “JARL”, while the members of the board and supervisory board will add their respective represented region such as “R1” (e.g. for HB9JOE as treasurer), “R2”, “R3” or “AC”. All national associations and the members of the board or supervisory board count as multipliers.
All other participating stations exchange the ITU zone of their location during the contest in addition to the report (for the intelligibility and strength of the radio signal). For the territory of the Swiss Confederation (HB9), this would be the number “28”, i.e. 59(9)28. In remote operation, the location of the antenna from which the signal is emitted counts.
The list on the USKA website shows which highly motivated radio teams/OM are to work under “HB9HQ” on which bands and in which operating modes.
We are still looking for operators. If you are interested, please contact
The USKA is once again aiming for a good ranking worldwide this year (best ranking so far: 17th place). Therefore, make as many radio contacts as possible with the HB9HQ station. The HB9HQ award, which will be presented in four classes, is once again up for grabs.
Useful links:
Good luck
Andy, HB9JOE
Head of Radio Sports of the USKA