Sample letters for municipalities regarding BZO

When building and zoning plans are revised in the municipalities, there is usually a phase in which the residents of the municipality are called upon to have their say. It is very important that a submission is made to the municipality during this phase and that it is ensured that the antenna law is amateur radio-friendly.

Here you will find sample letters for a petition in your municipality.

The Antenna Commission will be happy to help you with the detailed formulation of your submission.

Musterbrief Mitspracheverfahren (de) Musterbrief Eingabe Gemeinde Antennengesetz (docx)
Lettre type sur la procédure de consultation (fr) Lettres Types Révision Règlement De Construction (docx)
Esempio di lettera sulla procedura di codeterminazione (it) Esempi Di Lettere Revisione Del Regolamento Edilizio (docx)