Brief report on the video conference “Training radio amateurs in Switzerland”

Deutsche Version: Kurzbericht Videokonferenz „Ausbildung Funkamateure in der Schweiz“
Version française: Rapport succinct de la vidéoconférence “Formation des radioamateurs en Suisse”
Versione italiana: Breve resoconto della videoconferenza “Formazione dei radioamatori in Svizzera”
English version: Short report video conference “Training radio amateurs in Switzerland”
Brief report on the video conference “Training radio amateurs in Switzerland”
The video conference “Training radio amateurs in Switzerland” took place on Monday, September 16, 2024. Daniel HB9UVW informs that the elaborated USKA strategy, which also concerns the training part, will be presented to the USKA section presidents at the HAM festival in Solothurn. Mathias HB9FRV presented a draft 0.9 of the formulary (currently in German), which is currently being prepared until the end of September 2024. It is planned that the formulary will then be coordinated within IG AFUA and then submitted to OFCOM as a proposal. Sandy HB3YPA presented the results of the graduate surveys conducted during OFCOM examinations. The OFCOM course leader meeting will take place on 27.11.2024 in Biel. The USKA training conference will take place on November 16, 2024 in Thun.
The documents shown and the minutes can be found under the following link: Training coordination conference (for members only)
The next video conference will take place on Monday, March 17, 2025 at 2000 HBT. A corresponding invitation will follow.
Martin HB9GYF
Link: Training coordination conference (for members only)