IARU Region 1 General Conference 2023

Deutsche Version: IARU Region 1 Generalkonferenz 2023
Version française: Conférence générale de l’IARU Région 1 2023
Versione italiana: Conferenza generale della Regione 1 dell’IARU 2023
English version: IARU Region 1 General Conference 2023
IARU Region 1 General Conference 2023
On Saturday 4 November, the 26th General Conference of IARU Region 1 2023 in Zlatibor (Serbia) ended with the final votes. More than half of the 103 member organisations of Region 1 were represented by delegates on site, as were the members of the Executive Committee and the chairs of the Working Groups. The USKA was represented by Vice President Bernard HB9ALH and IARU liaison Urs HB9BKT.
Important topics of discussion were the further development of amateur radio and the IARU at global and regional level, the coordination of frequencies and contests, youth and YL activities and protection against interference of all kinds.
The Executive Committee was re-elected for a further 3 years. The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the IARU will take place together with the Interim Meeting in Paris in spring 2025, to which important representatives of authorities and organisations such as the ITU will be invited.
As already reported, the submitted proposals (“papers”) and, in a few days, the minutes of the meeting will be available on the IARU Region 1 homepage at conf.iaru-r1.org/documents.
Urs HB9BKT, IARU liaison
Translated with DeepL
Link: https://uska.ch/en/die-uska/uska-fachstellen/verbindung-zur-iaru/