HST 2023 – 09.09.2023 (Day 1)

Deutsche Version: HST 2023 – 09.09.2023 (Tag 1)
Version française: HST 2023 – 09.09.2023 (Jour 1)
Versione italiana: HST 2023 – 09.09.2023 (Giorno 1)
English version: HST 2023 – 09.09.2023 (Day 1)
HST 2023 – 09.09.2023 (Day 1)
Short report about the 1st day of the 19th IARU Highspeed Telegraphy World Championships in Bulgaria.
The 19th IARU HST World Championships were officially opened on Saturday evening, September 9, 2023 by the HST Chairman LZ1PJ and the IARU Region 1 Board Member. Normally a mayor or sports minister opens the competitions, this was not possible this year due to the severe storms on the Black Sea coast. All people in the office are working on the coast to repair the damage of the past days. The road to Zarevo near the Turkish border is still impassable, as are many other roads.
More than 100 participants from 17 countries have arrived, the farthest coming from JA and JT.
For Switzerland Fritz Zwingli HB9CSA is the only participant this year. Hopefully in 2024 again a team will come together, which can tie in to the world championship successes of past years.
The results will be published on the following pages:
- hst2023.eu
- Highspeed telegraphy – HST News