19. January 2025

Erstellt am: 29. September 2023

HB9FS: Birch-Fest with bunker opening

Deutsche Version: HB9FS: Birch-Fest mit Bunkeröffnung
Version française: HB9FS : Fête du Birch avec ouverture du bunker
Versione italiana: HB9FS: Festa delle Betulle con apertura del bunker
English version: HB9FS: Birch-Fest with bunker opening

HB9FS: Birch-Fest with bunker opening

After the first Birch-Fest in spring we invite all amateur radio operators and interested people

to the second Birch party with opening of the bunker

on Saturday, October 21 from 10:00 a.m.

Right next to the Birch is a bunker that has been lovingly restored by its owner. He has agreed to open it during the Birch Festival. A rare opportunity to show your children or grandchildren such a facility. Or to dive into the old times yourself.

But the most important thing is that we meet again. We will offer coffee and cake as well as cold drinks, and over lunch we will start the grill. What you bring with you can be grilled that way.

Our new remote station with a Flex 6600 can also be visited. And maybe even the solar system will be mounted by then.

The Birch is easy to find: Just enter “HB9FS” on Google Maps, or you can find it below the connecting road Füllinsdorf-Giebenach.

We hope that as many “friends of radio” as possible will find their way to us and are looking forward to a nice Saturday with you.

Section Regio Farnsburg

Link zur Einladung: Einladung
Link zur Sektion: https://www.hb9fs.ch/
Weitere Informationen: https://www.archaeologie.bl.ch/entdecken/fundstelle/118/sanierung-farnsburg/