8. February 2025

Erstellt am: 28. September 2023

HB9AG: Presentation “Construction of a simple ground station for QO-100”

Deutsche Version: HB9AG: Vortrag “Bau einer einfachen Bodenstation für QO-100”
Version française: HB9AG : Exposé “Construction d’une station terrestre simple pour QO-100”
Versione italiana: HB9AG: Conferenza “Costruire una semplice stazione di terra per QO-100”
English version: HB9AG: Presentation “Construction of a simple ground station for QO-100”

Construction of a simple ground station for the geostationary narrowband transponder QO-100.

Presentation at the USKA section Aargau in Lupfig on October 6, 2023 at 8:00 pm.

Since February 2019, the QO-100 geostationary linear transponder with 500 kHz bandwidth for narrowband applications and with 8 MHz bandwidth for ATV is available to the radio amateur community. This “relay” covers about one third of the earth’s surface. The footprint extends from Brazil to Indonesia and from the Svalbard Islands to Antarctica.

Based on the SDR learning module “Adalm-Pluto” and hardware and software developed by radio amateurs, we build a comfortable ground station for operation via the narrowband transponder in CW, SSB and data radio. The concept allows the use of purchasable and/or self-built modules depending on your own skills.

The presentation is also suitable for “satellite beginners”.

Who for: HAMs who want to become QRV with simple means via QO-100.
Previous knowledge: None (HB9 license is required for operation).
When: Friday, October 6, 2023, 8:00 p.m. (hall opening from approx. 6:30 p.m.)
Duration: 45 min.
Where: Gasthof zum Ochsen, Dorfstrasse 32, 5242 Lupfig
Speaker: Franz Siegrist, HB9KAB


  • Overview QO-100 (history, transponder, satellite, orbit)
  • Ground station requirements (link budget, transmit power, antenna gain, signal quality)
  • Implementation of the ground station (TRX, RX path, TX path)
  • Module variants (make or buy)
  • Operation on site

Guests are also welcome – we are looking forward to active participation.

Link: Oktober23 Stamm Flyer QO-100 Bodenstation Ae01