HB9AG Lecture on 8/4/2023: “Determination of cable lengths when interconnecting cavity filters”

Deutsche Version: HB9AG Vortrag am 4.8.2023:
“Bestimmung der Kabellängen beim Zusammenschalten von Cavity-Filtern”
Version française: HB9AG conférence le 4.8.2023 :
“Détermination des longueurs de câble lors de l’interconnexion de filtres à cavités”
Versione italiana: HB9AG Conferenza del 4.8.2023:
“Determinazione della lunghezza dei cavi per l’interconnessione di filtri a cavità”
English version: HB9AG Lecture on 8/4/2023:
“Determination of cable lengths when interconnecting cavity filters”
HB9AG Lecture on 8/4/2023:
“Determination of cable lengths when interconnecting cavity filters”.
At the August meeting the USKA section Aargau invites to another interesting lecture.
Using the example of a diplexer with cavity filters, Christian, HB9HOX will show the efficient use of modern measurement and simmulation tools. Instead of time-consuming “trial and error”, the individual cavities can be quickly and easily combined into a complete filter bank with the help of a vector network analyzer and the simulation program SimSmith.
When: Friday, August 4, 2023, 8:00 p.m.
Where: Gasthof zum Ochsen, Dorfstrasse 32, 5242 Lupfig
Link to the flyer: Flyer Cavity Filter Vortrag
Link to the date: https://uska.ch/events/hb9ag-vortrag-bestimmung-der-kabellaengen-beim-zusammenschalten-von-cavity-filtern/
We are looking forward to active participation. 73 de Franz, HB9KAB