HB75ZRH – 75 years of Zurich Airport

Deutsche Version: HB75ZRH – 75 Jahre Flughafen Zürich
Version française: HB75ZRH – 75 ans de l’aéroport de Zurich
Versione italiana: HB75ZRH – 75 anni di Aeroporto di Zurigo
English version: HB75ZRH – 75 years of Zurich Airport
HB75ZRH – 75 years of Zurich Airport
Zurich Airport celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.
Therefore, the airport festival will take place from September 1 – 3,2023. For more information, see 75 Years of Zurich Airport | The Anniversary Festival (flughafenfest.ch).
The Radio Amateur Club Swissair (HB9VC) and the Zurich section of SWISS-ARTG honor this anniversary with a two-month radio activity (August 15, 2023 to October 15, 2023) under the callsign HB75ZRH. Attractive diplomas can be earned.
Who is operating on which band or how the conditions for earning the attrative diplomas are designed can be found at www.qrz.com/db/hb75zrh.
Good luck and success!
Andy, HB9JOE
President RACS