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HamWebinar New exam questions in DL

Deutsche Version: HamWebinar Neue Prüfungsfragen in DL
Version française: HamWebinar Nouvelles questions d’examen en DL
Versione italiana: 
HamWebinar Nuove domande d’esame in DL

HamWebinar New exam questions in DL
Wednesday 5 October at 2000 HBT

For more than two years a DARC task force has been working on the revision of the question catalogue for the amateur radio examination. Under the leadership of DARC’s Federal Committee for Training, Youth and Continuing Education (AJW) and in close coordination with the german Ofcom (BNetzA), the team of about 75 volunteers scrutinised every single question and included new topics on digital technology, among others.
In his HamWebinar, project leader Dr Matthias Jung, DL9MJ, will give us an insight into the taskforce’s approach and the new contents.
The modernisation of the examination questionnaires is long overdue in all countries. In some places, the question papers are even decades out of date. While today’s radio amateurs have been experimenting with the latest communication technologies in terms of hardware and software for a long time, the examination questionnaires have remained in the last century!
The DARC makes both the exam question catalogue and the training materials developed for it (print and online) available to other countries (CC BY licence).
Registration for the HamWebinar is mandatory at www.hamwebinar.ch.

Willi HB9AMC, USKA online