FreeDV Activity Days 2022

Deutsche Version: FreeDV Activity Days 2022
Version française: FreeDV Activity Days 2022
Versione italiana: FreeDV Activity Days 2022
FreeDV is a HF digital voice mode that has been designed to provide the best audio quality over the various conditions encountered on HF. More info is on the FreeDV web site, ( ) It is based on the open source modems and codecs developed by David Rowe, PhD VK5DGR, and is under continuous development with modes and enhancements being added on a regular basis by amateurs worldwide and is available for Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems.
To popularise this leading edge technology Mooneer K6AQ has organised a Worldwide FreeDV Activity Day on Sunday, February 20 with times and suggested frequencies. This event will bring together people interested in HF digital voice on the air for conversation and fun.
How can I participate?
Download the FreeDV app from the links provided in the FreeDV web page connect your computer to your radio as you do for other digital modes and configure FreeDV to use the correct sound cards and PTT setup and you are good to go!
Login to the K7VE FreeDV QSO finder to find other Hams using FreeDV and frequencies in use. To login your callsign must be in the HamQTH ( ) database.
The latest release software will automatically detect the correct mode to receive but to transmit on the same mode you will need to ensure the appropriate radio button is selected.
If you have previously used FreeDV you will need to upgrade to version 1.6.1 or later to take advantage of new modes and features including the ability to have your station reported by PSKreporter. Go the PSKReporter page and use FREEDV as mode type. The latest download also includes audio files of the various modes and a very comprehensive manual to help you get your station setup.
In order to promote the exchange of FreeDV experiences in Switzerland, we have created a HamGroup “FreeDV” in the USKA. Join in and broaden your horizons!
Source: Southgate Amateur Radio News