EmComm Swiss Convention 2024 (AREDN Convention)
Saturday 19. Oct 9:00 - 16:00
Yahoo Anderer Kalender
Date: Sa, 19.10.2024 09:00
Place: Koppigen
Following the success of the “réseau radio s’urgence” and AREDN days in 2023, the organizers, whose aims are in the same direction, will be joining forces in 2024. To this end, it has been decided to bring these events together at the Swiss EmComm Convention on Saturday, October 19, 2024 in Koppigen (BE). If you’re interested in the development and organization of amateur radio’s various telecommunications networks in the event of a crisis, save the date! Whether you’re part of an “emergency radio network” group, or your aim is to put your skills and your amateur radio installation at the service of the population on an individual basis, you’re sure to find the answers to your various technical and organizational questions at this day-long event.
Here are just a few of the topics that will be covered during lectures and demonstrations:
- AREDN (telephone and data network)
- Winlink (HF network, VARA, VarAC)
- HamNet (evolution)
- PMR (public network, CB)
- frequencies (EmComm networks)
- autonomy (solar, powerbank)
- Swiss Emergency Contest (goals, evolution, statistics)
- strategy (USKA advice)
- authorities (contacts, agreements)
- PCU (emergency communication points)
Join us in Koppigen and announce your interest in giving a presentation or practical demonstration. The detailed program and personal registrations will follow in September. See you soon!
Program link :
Event link :
Registration :
Registration Lunch :