Results H26-UKW-Contest and Mini-Contest August 2023

Deutsche Version: Ergebnisse H26-UKW-Contest und Mini-Contest August 2023
Version française: Résultats du concours H26 UKW et du mini-concours d’août 2023
Versione italiana: Risultati H26-UKW-Contest e Mini-Contest Agosto 2023
English version: Results H26-UKW-Contest and Mini-Contest August 2023
Results H26 VHF Contest 2023
On July 01 and 02, 2023, the Swiss H26 contest was held again on VHF.
Apparently the activity this year was more on the high bands. 28 of the 46 submitted logs can be found above 1 GHz. It is pleasing to find this time more logs from the western part of Switzerland.
Thanks to the participants for taking part, and congratulations for the achieved results and placements.
73, good DX de Martin, HB9EWL
Results Mini-Contest August 2023
This year’s mini-contest in August unfortunately had one of the lowest numbers of participants in recent years.
Only 2 logs for VHF/UHF and only 7 logs for SHF were sent to the USKA mailbox. The result is a very short and manageable ranking list with a total of only 4 different stations that faced the contest rules and weight limits. But what the ranking does not reflect: The activeness on the tapes is there.
Since the Mini-Contest is based on the so-called Bavarian Mountain Day (BBT), the center of activity is traditionally in southern Germany. There, the contest enjoys great popularity – and has done so for years. So there should be no lack of potential QSO partners. From a favorable location – with good radiation direction north to east can be reached but some stations. The mini-contest or BBT attracts not only the portable radio operators to the band, but also some fixed stations that distribute points.
All in all, a small but pleasant contest, with relatively high participation. Sometimes even more than in the “big” contests.
Maybe we will hear each other next year?
73 de Martin, HB9EWL