7. February 2025

Erstellt am: 5. May 2024

Award 87th Ice Hockey World Championship

Deutsche Version: Diplom 87th Ice Hockey World Championship
Version française: Award 87th Ice Hockey World Championship
Versione italiana: Award 87th Ice Hockey World Championship
English version: Award 87th Ice Hockey World Championship

Diploma 87th Ice Hockey World Championship

The Ice Hockey World Championships will take place in the Czech Republic from May 10 to 26, 2024.

A diploma has been organized since 27.4.2024.

Here are the rules:

The 87th Ice Hockey World Championship in the CzechRepublic amateur radio activity

During the 87th Ice Hockey World Championship in the Czech Republic, radio clubs OK5T and OK5Z, together with their friends, will operate 16 special event stations from 27.4.2024 to 26.5.2024 as follows:

  • OL87DL, OL87F, OL87G, OL87HB, OL87LA, OL87OH, OL87OE, OL87OK, OL87OM, OL87OZ, OL87SM, OL87SP, OL87UN, OL87VE, OL87W a OL87YL.
  • All special even stations will be active on 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m and10m using SSB, CW and DIGI modes (RTTY, PSKxx, FTx).
  • All valid contacts will be confirmed via LoTW and eQSL.
  • We do not accept or send paper QSLs!!!!
  • An electronics award is obtainable based on the rules as follows:
  • Each first contact with special event station on any band, any mode counts 1 point. Repeatedcontact with the same special event station, with the same mode, on the same band does not count.
  • Bronze award: 16 points with at least 8 different special event stations
  • Silver award: 24 points with at least 12 different special event stations
  • Gold award: 32 points with all 16 special event stations
  • An electronics award in .pdf format downloadable at: https://ol87whc.cz/
  • The SWL reports are valid also for the award. An electronics award is available for SWL operators with the same rules. SWL operators are asked to send their logs (.adi, .xls or .txtformats) to ol87whc@seznam.cz

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Link: https://www.iihf.com/en/events/2024/wm
Link: https://ol87whc.cz/