USKA Hamfest
Every year, radio amateurs in Switzerland meet in the fall for an annual meeting, the so-called Hamfest. This important event is organized by one or more USKA sections. The focus here is on official events and specialist presentations as well as the exchange of information between radio amateurs. Equipment and accessories can be purchased from commercial suppliers. Social programs for active operators and family members offer a good opportunity to get to know the sights and the immediate surroundings of the event location.
Colleagues and friends meet up over dinner to maintain personal contacts. Awards are also presented here, such as diplomas for top places in radio competitions. Meritorious members are also honored at the hamfest.
- The past HAMFESTe
USKA Section Presidents’ Conference
The main purpose of the USKA Section Presidents’ Conference is to provide information to the section presidents from the USKA Board and to exchange information on various topics. First-hand information reaches the representatives of the sections directly. As a rule, the Section Presidents’ Conference takes place during the Hamfest.
KW/UKW conference
This conference serves as a platform for those interested in HF and VHF to discuss topics relating to band plans, contests, questions about contest regulations and much more. The event is organized and carried out by the responsible members of the board. The KW/UKW conference takes place either at the time of the USKA Hamfest or as an individual event.
USKA Training Coordination Conference
The USKA Training Coordination Conference is organized regularly by the Training Coordination and serves to coordinate the training of new amateur radio operators in the sections.
Emergency radio conference
EMC conference
The EMC specialist conferences are held annually and serve to exchange information on current EMC interference. The conference documents can be found in the members’ area under EMC conferences.
Other USKA conferences
Experts and interested parties can be invited to conferences for projects and special topics. These events are organized either by the Executive Board and/or the responsible employees of the respective departments as required.