6. February 2025

Band guard

Responsible: vacant

Further contents:

What is the Bandwatch?

The USKA Bandwatch is a partner of the “International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System” (IARU MS) of the IARU. Its work is carried out in accordance with IARU Resolution 12-1 “Terms of Reference for the IARU Monitoring System 2012”. Its purpose is to monitor the exclusive amateur bands for intruders – and by that we mean only non-amateur radio stations! – and, if necessary, to report them to the authorities (OFCOM) or to take other appropriate steps.

Amateur radio not always the primary and sole user

In the International Telecommunication Treaty, various frequency bands were allocated to the amateur radio service, in some cases on a primary (exclusive) basis. Nevertheless, even exclusive bands are increasingly occupied by other radio services of all kinds. These include radio transmitters and/or their harmonics, radio networks of all kinds operated by the military, embassies and other organizations, private radio services, cab radio, fishing fleets, over-the-horizon and marine wave radars and many more.

It is not always easy to determine whether another radio service is operating legally or illegally in a band. It is always necessary to consult the ITU Radio Regulations, the CEPT’s European Table of Frequency Allocations and Applications (EFIS) and OFCOM’s National Frequency Allocation Plan (NaFZ) and, in particular, to read the numerous footnotes.

It should also be noted that several bands are not exclusively allocated to us, but are secondary or co-primary, so that other radio services also operate there legally.

According to the ITU Convention, military radio stations have a somewhat special status, see ITU Radio Regulations:
CHAPTER VII Special Provisions for Radio / Article 48; Installations for National Defense Services

The band guard is not a law enforcement officer on our bands

The band guard is directed exclusively against intruders (not radio amateurs). It is neither a law enforcement agency nor a radio police force and does not monitor compliance with band plans or license regulations. The activity is also not directed against radio amateurs who, for example, harass or insult other amateurs, or who are otherwise unpleasant on our bands.

The band guard is also not responsible for “home-made” interference and problems of any kind, such as a photovoltaic system, livestock guardians, VDSL, PLC signals or clocked network devices. In such cases, please contact the person responsible for EMC.

Peter A. Jost, HB9CET

Updated 18.04.2024

HBradio article on the topic: