19. January 2025

USKA Vorstand / Organigramm

The Board of the USKA

Here is an overview of the organization and distribution of duties of the USKA Board of Directors, which has been in office in this composition since the 2021 Delegate Assembly and the by-election at the 2022 & 2023 Delegate Assembly.


The USKA Board of Directors
President / Authorities Bernard Wehrli HB9ALH presi@uska.ch
Vice President Dr. Urs Lott HB9BKT vice@uska.ch
Community Development Daniel Kägi HB9IQY community@uska.ch
Cooperations Dr. Markus Meier HB9GXM hb9gxm@uska.ch
New Technologies Dr. Andreas Spiess HB9BLA hb9bla@uska.ch
EmComm (formerly: emergency radio) Jean‐Michel Clerc HB9DBB emergency@uska.ch
PR / Training / Marketing Daniel Schuler HB9UVW public@uska.ch
Radiosports Andreas Thiemann HB9JOE traffic@uska.ch / hf@uska.ch
IARU / EMV / Cash register Dr. Urs Lott HB9BKT iaru@uska.ch / kassa@uska.ch

Link: Reports and minutes

Link: Contact addresses