11. February 2025

USKA Klubrufzeichen

List of USKA club callsigns

See also: Regulations for the use of USKA club callsigns
Reglement für die Benutzung der USKA Klubrufzeichen
Reglement Nutzung USKA Klubrufzeichen (DE)
Règlement pour l’usage des indicatifs de club USKA (FR)
Regolamento per l’utilizzo dei nominativi associativi dell’USKA (IT)
    Callsign Function Description QSL Information
    active callsigns
    HB9A, HB90A association call sign Ongoing activation by USKA members, HB90A only in 2019 QRZ.COM
    HB9O association call sign Exhibition station, Verkehrshaus, Lucerne QRZ.COM
    HB9IHPA association call sign Information Programme for Handicapped Radio Amateurs, IPHA, USKA QRZ.COM
    HB9HQ, HB90HQ association call sign Contact mark for the IARU HF World Championships, HB90HQ in 2019 only QRZ.COM
    HB9YOTA special call sign “Youngster on the air” promotion of young talent QRZ.COM
    HB9WARD special call sign Active each year for World Amateur Radio Day on 18 April QRZ.COM
    Deactivated Callsigns
    HE7A special call sign Use 1991 on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Switzerland QRZ.COM
    HB75A anniversary call sign Deployment 2004 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the USKA QRZ.COM
    HB2008A special call sign Deployment 2008 on the occasion of the European Football Championship QRZ.COM
    HB2008HQ special call sign Deployment 2008 on the occasion of the European Football Championship QRZ.COM
    HB80A anniversary call sign Deployment 2009 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the USKA QRZ.COM
    HB9HST special call sign 10th IARU High Speed Telegraphy World Championship, August 2012 in Beatenberg QRZ.COM
    HB90IARU anniversary call sign 90 years of IARU, March – December 2015 QRZ.COM
    HB88YL special call sign International YL Meeting August 19-21, 2016 in Canton Zurich QRZ.COM
    HB600NVF special call sign Outreach 2018 on the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the birth of Niklaus von Flüe. Award program Roules on www.qrz.com QRZ.COM
    HB18FWC special call sign Deployment 2018 (June 14 – July 15) on the occasion of the European Football Championship. QRZ.COM
    HB90xyz / HB30xyz anniversary call sign Deployment 2019, special call sign for the anniversary year 2019 “90 years USKA”, USKA 90 Award