11. December 2024

Erstellt am: 18. October 2023

Coop newspaper about amateur radio

Deutsche Version: Coop Zeitung über Amateurfunk
Version française: Le journal Coop sur le radioamateurisme
Versione italiana: Il giornale Coop parla di radioamatori
English version: Coop newspaper about amateur radio

Coop newspaper about amateur radio

Many people were amazed when they read the (German) Coop newspaper yesterday and saw a 4-page article about amateur radio by Réne HB9NBG and Carine HB9FZC. This is really a good PR in the German speaking area, which gives the amateur radio again more actuality. Congratulations and have fun reading!

The article: CZ 20231017 CZ31 2
Source: https://epaper.coopzeitung.ch/aviator/aviator.php?newspaper=CZ&issue=20231017&edition=CZ31&globalnumber=202342&startpage=1&displaypages=2

USKA Web Editor