17. February 2025

Erstellt am: 25. August 2022

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Report from the USKA Section Presidents’ Conference 2022

Deutsche Version: Bericht von der Sektions-Präsidenten-Konferenz der USKA 2022
Version française: Compte rendu Conférence des présidents de sections de l’USKA 2022
Versione italiana: Relazione dalla Conferenza dei presidenti di sezione USKA 2022

Report from the
USKA Section Presidents’ Conference

On Saturday 20 August the representatives of the USKA Sections met for the annual Section Presidents’ Conference. This time at the Verkehrshaus in Lucerne, which incidentally allowed for the demonstration of the renewed HB9O shortwave radio station. 24 of the 34 Sections of the USKA were represented.

The presentation can be downloaded below.

Several surveys were conducted during the conference to find out the attitude of the Sections.
The Sections react extremely differently to the challenges in amateur radio. For example, only 25% of the sections present are at all concerned about the undisputed dramatic ageing of our clubs (slide 9).

The newer offers of the USKA are still insufficiently accepted (slide 7): Only 11 of 24 representatives participate in a HamGroup. Only 5 out of 24 sections have had HamWebinar.ch speakers so far. This raises the question: How do section committees, which do not use these offers themselves, explain their advantages to their members and motivate them to participate? For the benefit of section life, of course.

Less than half of the represented sections have designated an “EMC 1st Level Supporter” in their section – disturbances thus do not seem to be an “issue” in the majority of the sections – really? Even only 2 sections state that they participate in the USKA’s Götti programme. As if they were not interested in new members or in younger blood!

We can only hope that the sections will now do their homework quickly. There is not much time left. Already 2/3 of all USKA members are not motivated to join a section. This fact is increasingly calling into question the legitimacy of both the USKA Delegates Assembly and the Section Presidents’ Conference. Meanwhile, the “Urabstimmung” ballot represents the only truly democratic decision-making body in the USKA, apart from the presidential election.
The monthly public “USKA Question Time” is open to all members and interested parties and is an important instrument for the USKA Executive Committee to address the concerns of people who are not members of a section.

Willi Vollenweider HB9AMC, USKA President
(trad. deepl.com)

Link: https://uska.ch/uska-sektionspraesidentenkonferenz/
Link: Presentation USKA SPK CPS 20 Aug 2022