14. February 2025

Frequencies and band plans

Specialist unit “USKA Network and Frequency Coordination”

The USKA Network and Frequency Coordination consists of a team with a chairman and two members who generally have the following functions within the USKA: Traffic manager, liaison to authorities and IARU, coordinator of unattended amateur radio facilities (USKA network and frequency coordination).

Renato Schlittler, HB9BXQ, coordinator of unattended amateur radio stations
Contact: qrg@uska.ch


03.09.2022: HB9F, commissioning of the new 2m beacon in Bern City, QRG 144.426 MHz. – Info: 2m beacon Bern (Lindenhof tower block) BENF
21.12.2022: Release 4m band from 1.1.2023

Further content:

International emergency frequencies according to band plan IARU Reg. 1

Band Frequenzbereich
160m 1,873 MHz LSB
80m 3,760 MHz LSB / IARU
40m 7,110 MHz LSB / IARU
30m 10,138 MHz USB / IARU
20m 14,300 MHz USB / IARU
17m 18,160 MHz USB / IARU
15m 21,360 MHz USB / IARU
2m 144,260 MHz USB / 145,500 MHz FM
70cm ​434,000 MHz FM.

Frequency lists

Unoperated amateur radio systems (relay stations)

Frequency list voice repeater HB9/HB0 (17.08.2024) PDF XLS
Frequency list Packet-Radio Digipeater HB9 HB0 (01.05.2017) PDF XLS
Frequency list beacons / balises / beacons HB9 HB0 (12.06.2019) PDF XLS


Merkblatt Der Amateurfunkverkehr über Relaisstationen PDF
Fiche D’information Le Trafic Radioamateur Via Les Stations Relais PDF
Opuscolo Comunicazioni Radioamatoriali Tramite Stazioni Di Collegamento PDF
Leaflet Amateur Radio Traffic Via Relay Stations PDF


IARU band plans

Switzerland applies the IARU Region 1 band plans as amended.

HF band plans
IARU REGION 1 HF BAND PLAN (v8.2.1), valid from June 1, 2016 (English, colored) PDF
DARC shortwave band plan IARU Region 1 (v2), valid from June 1, 2016 (German, colored) PDF
DARC shortwave band plan IARU Region 1 (v2), valid from June 1, 2016 (English, black and white) PDF
IARU Region 1 band plan, definitions, notes and explanations (German) PDF
IARU Region 1 band plan, interpretation (German) PDF
USKA explanations on the HF band plan (1.1.2003) PDF
USKA IARU Bandplan Reg. 1 “to go” v1.4 (2023) PDF


VHF-/UHF band plans
IARU band plan 6 m PDF
IARU band plan 4 m PDF
IARU band plan 4 m (adapted for Switzerland) PDF
IARU band plan 2 m PDF
IARU band plan 70 cm PDF
IARU band plan 23 cm PDF
IARU band plan 13 cm PDF
IARU band plan 5 GHz PDF
IARU band plan 10 GHz PDF

Bandplan New Packet Radio (NPR)

Bandplan New Packet Radio (NPR)
NPR Channel HB-DL (13.09.2020) PDF
NPR Modulation (13.09.2020) PDF

HAMNET band plan

HAMNET band plan

HAMNET, frequencies and channel usage HB9 (08.09.2015) PDF
HAMNET band planHB9 (17.03.2022) PDF

Unmanned amateur radio equipment

A permit must be obtained from OFCOM in advance in order to operate an unattended amateur radio system.
Unoperated amateur radio equipment may only be operated by radio clubs.
The USKA frequency coordination helps with the frequency search, coordinates the frequencies and monitors compliance with the IARU band plans.
OFCOM issues the definitive frequency allocation. An unattended amateur radio system may only be put into operation once this has been received.

Gesuch zum Betrieb von unbedienten Amateurfunkanlagen
Demande pour l’exploitation d’ installations de radiocommunication amateur non desservie
Domanda per l’esercicio di stazioni radioamatoriali incustodite

Antragsformular BAKOM, vorgängig zur Koordination dem Frequenzkoordinator zustellen (17.10.2009) PDF XLS
Gesuch Beispiel / demande example / domanda essempio (17.10.2009) PDF

HBradio Artikel zum Thema:

Suchbegriffe: Frequenzliste Relais Relaisliste Bandplan Frequenzgesuch