15. February 2025

ARDF direction finding

Tochter_MartinWhat is ARDF direction finding all about?ARDF logo klein

ARDF – also known as radio direction finding or “fox hunting” – is a sporting variant of amateur radio. Using a direction finder, map and compass, you have to find a radio transmitter hidden in the forest in the shortest possible time. The athlete is required to have a unique combination of physical fitness, a sense of direction and a technical understanding of the propagation of radio waves.

Four different disciplines are held internationally: Foxoring, Sprint, Classic 2m and Classic 80m. The total running distance is between one and ten kilometers, depending on the discipline and category. The Swiss ARDF team organizes training sessions and represents Switzerland at international competitions and has repeatedly won medals in recent years.

Want to try out direction finding yourself?

You can find an overview of the Swiss ARDF Team’s upcoming DF events on our event list. Participation is open to interested parties of all levels! Please register with the organizer or the USKA direction finding contact person. If required, direction finders can be hired out and direction finding seminars can be held to introduce those interested to direction finding.

Reports from direction finding training and competitions

The Swiss ARDF Team regularly reports on competitions and training sessions on its website with reports from direction finding events.

ARDF in sections / groups

In addition to the Swiss ARDF Team, various other groups and USKA sections organize ARDF fun events. If you are interested, please contact them directly. Please send corrections and additions ardf@uska.ch

Organizer DF events
Sektion Bern HB9F Section Bern HB9F Several direction finding events per year according to IARU or remote direction finding
Sektion Schaffhausen HB9SH Section Schaffhausen HB9SH 2m foxhunt
Funk- und Technikverein Solothurn HB9FTS Radio and technical club Solothurn HB9FTS Foxhunt with barbecue
Sektion Basel HB9BS Section Basel HB9BS Several direction finding events per year with vehicles
Amateurfunkclub Mühleweg HB9CL Amateur radio club Mühleweg HB9CL Foxhunt on fieldday
Sektion Vaud HB9MM Section Vaud HB9MM Several “Gonio” direction finding events per year according to IARU
Sektion Winterthur HB9W Section Winterthur HB9W Summer get-together with direction finding and minigolf
Sektion St. Gallen HB9SG Section St. Gallen HB9SG ARDF in Andwilermoos
Sektion Thun HB9T Section Thun HB9T Family direction finding, vacation pass with ARDF
Sektion Pierre Pertuis HB9XC Section Pierre Pertuis HB9XC Direction finding events “Chasse aux renards”


The USKA brochure on amateur radio direction finding provides helpful tips and information.

Simply click on the image and the download will start automatically (PDF file).

Flyer ARDF

Contact us

HB9AIR Peil-Trainer der USKA

ARDF contact person of the USKA:
Michael Lerjen, HB9ENL / Paul Rudolf, HB9AIR
Mail: ardf@uska.ch










Further information:

Information about amateur radio and the USKA

What is amateur radio?

Emergency radio

What is the USKA?

How do I become an amateur radio operator?

Information for media representatives