15. February 2025

Amateur radio training courses


You too can become a radio amateur!

Radio amateurs have an extremely fascinating hobby. They communicate with the simplest means around the world, directly from house to house, from antenna to antenna. Basically, anyone can become a radio amateur and participate in this worldwide hobby.

In order to be allowed to radio worldwide yourself, you need a solid technical and operational training. This is provided by various clubs and groups of radio amateurs in courses. The goal of the courses is the successful passing of the exam and the obtaining of the certificate of proficiency as HB3 or HB9 operator. You can pass the exam regardless of your age and professional orientation. In Switzerland, the Federal Office of Communications OFCOM examines applicants for an amateur radio license in technical and operational subjects.

Simply contact the organizers or, if you have any questions, contact the USKA secretariat, which will be happy to help you. Link: sekr@uska.ch

Training to become a radio amateur: course locations, dates and contact details

Training courses HB3 (CEPT Novice Licence) - the 'Beginner Class' and HB9 (CEPT Licence) - the 'Grand Licence Class'

New dates or changed dates? >>> eMail to webmaster@uska.ch

Termin Zeit Kategorie Event
1.01.22 - 31.12.29 0:00  Outlook

HB3/HB9 Kurse dauerhaft HB9BC HB3/HB9 Kurs (Online & Präsenz)
toute l année -  Outlook

HB3/HB9 Kurse dauerhaft HB9MM Formation (fr)
ganzjährig -  Outlook

HB3/HB9 Kurse dauerhaft DARC-Online-Lehrgang (Online)
Termin Zeit Kategorie Event
21.09.24 - 8.03.25 0:00  Outlook

HB3/HB9 Kurse ILT-Schule - HB9 Vertiefung (Online / Präsenz kombiniert)

Morse code courses / CW / Learn telegraphy

USKA Academy & Thematic Courses

Termin Zeit Kategorie Event
25.10.25 8:30 - 16:00  Outlook

Flohmarkt Surplus Party - Amateurfunk Flohmarkt, Zofingen (HB9FX)

Exam questionnaire