Activities of the relay community Bern HB9F

Deutsche Version: Aktivitäten der Relaisgemeinschaft Bern HB9F
Version française: Activités de la communauté de relais de Berne HB9F
Versione italiana: Attività della comunità dei relè di Berna HB9F
English version: Activities of the relay community Bern HB9F
Activities of the relay community Bern HB9F
The relay community HB9F, Bern has been very active lately.
- On 07.09.2023 we put an AREDN mesh hotspot into operation on the Lindenhof high-rise in Bern.
Link: - on 06.10 2023 we installed and put into operation a 23cm FM relay on the Brienzer Rothorn.
Link: - on 17.10.2023 we put a 10GHz beacon into operation on the Lindenhof high-rise.
Link: - the Bern section joins the SBP (Synchronous Beacon Project) of the IARU Region 1. Our 50MHz beacon transmits on 50.0090MHz in timeslot “0”, the rest of the time on 50.4200MHz.
Best 73 de HB9MHS / Roland
Technical manager of HB9F
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